


賀利成實業有限公司 成立於1995年 從事專業品牌總代理及自有品牌行銷,累積豐富的商品開發行銷經驗,專注於飯店備品、盥洗
依聯工業股份有限公司 成立於1987年 從事專業化工產品生產,從原料製造到充填包裝一貫生產作業,以穩定品質,體驗更多元化
Ho Li cheng Enterprise Co., Ltd. was established in 1995 in the professional distributor and private label brand marketing, product development accumulated a wealth of marketing experience, specializing in hotel spare parts, washing bag .... We offer many hotels, bed and breakfast, sauna, school ...  and other firms, relating to accommodation or tourism-related amenity kit and merchandise.
Ye Lian Industries Co., Ltd. was established in 1987, engaged in professional chemical products, from raw materials to manufacturing to packaging has always been filled with production operations in order to stabilize the quality of life experience more diverse products. 

Innovation to create a wide range of quality products, reasonable prices, excellent quality and service 



Access to major department stores and through the company specializes in small and medium enterprises, innovative marketing team, from the integration of production to marketing resources, combined with the traditional channel, military and government welfare system, the large chain discount channels, Internet Marketing, hotels, entertainment places, public authorities and the gift market access, and so closed to new forces, to provide innovative marketing efficiency of the largest and fastest implementation of marketing activities. Provide multiple channels and brands across different packaging, marketing, strategic planning services.